Place: Borders Books and Music - Fiesta Mall
Date: Saturday November 28, 2009
Time: 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
Address: 1361 S. Alma School Rd. Mesa,
AZ 85210
Place: Borders Books and Music - Arizona Mills
Date: Saturday,December 5, 2009
Time: 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Address: 5000 Arizona Mills Cr. Ste #327 Tempe,
AZ 85282
Place: Borders Books and Music - Arrowhead
Date: Saturday, December 12th 2009
Time: Noon to 2:00 pm
Address: 7320 West Bell Rd.
Glendale, AZ 85308
Place: Borders Books and Music - Fashion Square Mall - Waterfront
Date: Saturday, December 19th 2009
Time: 1:00 PM to 3:00 pm
Address: 7135 E. Camelback Rd.
Scottsdale, AZ 85016
Place: Borders Books and Music
Biltmore Fashion Park
Date: Tuesday December 29, 2009
Time: 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Address: 2402 E. Camelback Rd., Ste. 200
Phoenix, AZ 85016
Come say hi to Kali
She will be autographing books. Come
hang out with us, you can also sign up to get a modeling contract with SCW Promotions Model and Talent, cool huh?
Appearances and signings in our California
markets such as LA, San Diego and San Francisco, will be announced after the first of the year.
Appearances and signings in the Denver area will also be announced after the first of the year.
Appearances and signings in our Texas markets will be forthcoming in 2010.
Additional signings in various cities across the US will be also be forthcoming in the future. If you would like
to Kali to visit your area, please email us.