Across the country, thousands of hopefuls
dream of a modeling career. All share the same goals, but say there's little information on how to get started - until
now! How to Become a working Model dispels many modeling myths, such as height requirement! It is a
modeling book that targets over 20 different types of modeling categories. Most having NO HEIGHT REQUIREMENT. Many
body types are targeted not just high fashion runway. This book will answer your questions AND WILL SAVE YOU THOUSANDS
OF DOLLARS as it addresses issues like where you should invest your time and money without being scammed. It is a
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You must have this book if you are contemplating a career in modeling.
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Kali memorabilia are collector's items, her 02 calendar is selling
for over $249.00 on Amazon.com as of Sept 2009.
Get it on Amazon.com
Click here to read more about the book

click to enlarge |
Kali has been featured in two calendars, both were
sold in the following stores:
*Walden books
*Borders Books and Music
*Day by Day Calendars
*Brentanos Bookstores
*Barnes & Noble
*Calendar Club
As seen on AZ Teen Magazine's website -
Win a modeling package with Kali Mitchell valued at $1500.00. Train one-on-one with Kali for a day at a local resort in Scottsdale,
AZ. Photos will be provided to get you started. Kali has trained hundreds of models nationwide to be very successful
in this exciting industry. You will have a chance to train under her and learn what you
must do to be successful in the industry. Sign up below to win. If you like, you can tell us
why you want to model as we would like to know more about you!
Transportation not provided, you must live in or have a way to get to Scottsdale AZ.
Sign up for a chance to win a modeling package with Kali Mitchell Click here
Click here for Kali's site